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Peer Advice: 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting PA School


Here are three things I wish I knew before I started PA School:

1. Be prepared to hit the ground running.

If you were anything like me in college, the first day of classes was always your favorite because all you would do is go over the syllabus and get out early. PA school is nothing like that! It felt like we covered more material in the first week of class than I did in whole semesters in undergrad. While this might seem overwhelming, what it really means is that you need to adjust your study habits- procrastinating is definitely not an option. For me, making Quizlets and reviewing all the material I learned that day to reinforce it is what works best. It might take you some time to find what study strategies work best for you but make sure you’re studying from day one!

2. Life doesn’t stop because you’re busy with school.

As great as it would be to not have to worry about anything else while you’re studying hard to achieve your dreams, that’s not how life works. Life is going to keep happening- you may get sick, go through a breakup, have family emergencies or whatever else life throws at you and you are going to have to find a way to deal with those situations as they come. Don’t forget that there are people who are there for you when those things happen. Your fellow students, your faculty, and of course, your peer advisor are all there to help you, so don’t be afraid to lean on them and ask for help. And remember that your classmates also have struggles that you may not know about so always be kind and treat people with grace.

3. Podcasts.

I’m a commuter. Depending on traffic, my drive to and from school can be anywhere from 35 minutes to over an hour. At the beginning of the year, I was stressed because time is at a premium and I felt like driving was time I was wasting every day until my classmates introduced me to some podcasts specifically geared towards PA students. My favorite two, Physician Assistant Exam Review and Cram the Pance, will probably dominate my Spotify Wrapped this year! I found these were a great way to review the things I was learning in class in a different format and to learn new mnemonics to help remember some of the more difficult concepts. Even for people who don’t commute, podcasts are great to put on while you’re going for a walk or doing chores around the house.

I know starting PA school feels like stepping into another world so I hope by sharing the things I learned the hard way, I can help make your transition a bit easier!