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Leadership Corner

Dr. Eric Borsting

Southern California College of Optometry

Eric Borsting, OD, MSEd Professor & Dean, Southern California College of Optometry

As we welcome the class of 2027 to our campus, we have an eye on the future. In January 2023, over 20 faculty members and members of California Optometric Association completed the Ophthalmic Procedures Course taught by the faculty from Northeastern State University/Oklahoma College of Optometry. The 32-hour certification program included in-depth lectures, concepts and hands on workshops in the use of medical lasers, injections, suturing and minor surgical procedures. This program will prepare the SCCO faculty for scope expansion that is occurring in many states and is being actively pursued in California. Our outstanding faculty continue to be recognized at a national level with Dr. Jason Ng receiving the Michael G. Harris Family Award for Excellence in Optometric Education, Dr. Julie Tyler receiving a fellowship with the National Academy of Practice, and Dr. Erin Rueff becoming a diplomate in the Cornea and Contact Lens Section of the American Academy of Optometry. In addition, Dr. Susan Cotter served as the President of the American Academy of Optometry. Finally, our students continue to pursue postgraduate residency training to further their skills and prepare for the future of optometric practice. We had 39 students accepted into residency programs from the Class of 2023.


Allison Mollet

School of PA Studies

Allison Mollet, MMS, PA-C Program Director & Associate Professor

The School of PA Studies has integrated thoughtful curricular additions to ensure we are meeting the learning needs of our evolving student body and to ensure our graduates are prepared for the demands of clinical practice today and tomorrow. A new formative course was implemented in which students take a board-like exam and complete OSCE stations. Students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, and faculty can provide additional and early support to students who may need it. Our DEI course instructors added an impressive new program called Empathable, which helps students grow in empathy and inclusion through immersive experiences. Professor Holt leads the way with classroom technology, creating podcasts and online interactive modules to appeal to students with a variety of learning styles and schedules. Yes, students can actually study while on a jog now! We are now routinely using video recordings during patient assessment testing. Having students watch these videos has proven to be valuable for growth at all levels. Furthermore, clinical students will now complete two additional weeks of behavioral health during clinical rotations. Our Class of 2023 graduates in November and we are excited to see how they will continue to impact their communities and thrive as practicing PAs today and in the years to come.


Dr. Judy Ortiz

College of Pharmacy

Judy Ortiz, PhD, PA-C Vice President for Academic Affairs Interim Dean, College of Pharmacy

The College of Pharmacy embraces innovative methods to prepare future pharmacists for the dynamic health care landscape, including innovations in the classroom and through community engagement. Active learning is a cornerstone of pharmacy education. Students practice patient care during simulated patient experiences. Cases are used to apply learning concepts and assess students’ understanding of pharmacy concepts. Immersive training in our interprofessional DEI course helps build the students’ empathy for their patients. Participating in conferences offers pharmacy students a chance to stay updated on the latest research, innovations and trends in the field. It encourages networking, collaboration and exposure to diverse perspectives, ensuring they remain at the forefront of pharmacy practice. We had the largest MBKU attendance ever at the Western Pharmacy Exchange in Las Vegas, where students competed in the Quiz Bowl, cheered on by President Schornack, VP Joan Rubio, fellow students, faculty and alums. Community engagement, such as the student, faculty, staff and alumni basketball game, promoted wellness and connected pharmacy students with their communities. The future of pharmacy education lies in these dynamic approaches, empowering students to be well-rounded, patient-centric and community-oriented pharmacists.