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Student Government

MBKU's Student Government Association

Every year, each class elects a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, as well as Student Government Association officers to represent the student body. Each class is free to maintain its own voluntary organization and treasury for social and other MBKU functions under the supervision of the Student Government Association.

The University Student Executive Council

The Student Government Association (SGA) is overseen by the University Student Executive Council (USEC) which is made up of an elected president, vice president, treasurer and secretary, the class presidents from every class and the committee chairs of the SGA. These SGA members have voting rights on all motions presented to the SGA. Elections for new officers take place during the spring of each academic year. The annual Student Government Association fee is collected by the University Controller to subsidize university-wide student activities approved by the SGA. A portion of these fees go directly to each class for use by respective class cabinets.  These funds are typically used for programs, events, and/or other initiatives. Expenditure of these funds is under the control of the SGA.

USEC Officers

  • SGA President: The president oversees monthly USEC meetings, raises agenda items that need to be discussed during the meetings, assigns for special projects and nurtures a spirit of cooperation among all USEC members and the student government leaders. The president also serves as a liaison between the students and the MBKU Board of Trustees and attends their meetings when requested.
  • SGA Vice President: The vice president provides support to the president when needed, oversees the Inter-professional sub-committee and oversees the elections process each year.
  • SGA Secretary: The secretary composes minutes for monthly SGA meetings, thereby relaying information about current events, updates and reports to the greater student body population.
  • SGA Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for managing the SGA budget and handling financial reimbursement requests for each committee.
  • SCCO, SPAS & COP Class Presidents: One class president is elected for each year.
  • Committee chairs: Each committee has an elected chair for each year.

Student Government Association Committees 

The Student Government Association currently has three committees who are responsible for various social and education programming on campus, as well as the management of student clubs. All committee members are considered members of the Student Government Association, while the committee chairs are members of USEC and represent their committee when voting on motions brought to the floor. Both committee chairs and committee members are voted on by the student body in the spring elections.

University Student Events Committee

The University Student Events Committee is in charge of organizing, coordinating, supervising and implementing all Student Government Association extracurricular, health and wellness, and interprofessional (IPE) activities for MBKU students. This includes large-scale traditional offerings like the Welcome Back BBQ, Mental Health Awareness Week, Field Day, and End of the Year celebrations. They also host blood drives for the American Red Cross, manage a Ketchum Kudos program to send shout-outs to fellow students, and plan social events that promote interprofessional interactions.

University Student Relations Committee

The University Student Relations Committee oversees and coordinates the student events and class and club fundraisers, organizes the yearly Club Info Night for incoming students to learn about what clubs are present on campus, and holds quarterly meetings with club leadership.

2024-25 Student Government Association Members

University Student Executive Council (USEC)

SGA President: Anthony Vu, COP 2026

Vice President: Wallace Lowe, SCCO 2027

Treasurer: Christine Wong, SCCO 2027

Secretary: Bryan Lien, SCCO 2027

SCCO 2025 Class President: Ahmed Fayad

SCCO 2026 Class President: Paulina Nguyen

SCCO 2027 Class President: Jerome Ee

SCCO 2028 Class President: TBD

COP 2025 Class President: Dedan (Kevin) Hedrick

COP 2026 Class President: Jaswinder Gill

COP 2027 Class President: Sabrina Yuen

COP 2028 Class President: TBD

SPAS 2024 Class President: Kylie Harnen

SPAS 2025 Class President: Claire Boenisch

SPAS 2026 Class President: TBD

Student Events Committee Chair: Alice Si, SCCO 2027

Student Relations Committee Chair: Samantha Tran, SCCO 2026

Committee Members

Student Events Committee:

Jasmine Cheng, SCCO 2027

Nancy Nguyen, SCCO 2027

Ryan Shimogaki, SCCO 2027

Titiksha Patel, SCCO 2027

Vivian Hayashi, SCCO 2027

Student Relations Committee:

Ashley Macabasco, SCCO 2026

Kaylee Nguyen, SCCO 2027

Kimi Uenaka, SCCO 2027

Kristine Chan, SCCO 2027