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Peer Advice: 5 Ways You Can Be True to Yourself in Graduate School


Being true to yourself means that you are acting in a way that aligns with your beliefs, values, and morals.

We all do our best to not fall under the pressures that comes with any new environment we walk into. There are so many opportunities that will come your way in graduate school. This process allows for self improvement, career opportunities, and so much more. In this blog, I will list ways you can actively be true to yourself.

  1. Say “no” to avoid burnout. Saying “no” leaves no room for people-pleasing.
  2. Be intentional with your time. When you are intentional with your time, you are much more organized.
  3. Spend time alone to understand who you are. When you spend time alone, you learn more about yourself and how you operate.
  4. Accept and love who you are. When you accept yourself, you will not succumb to the inevitable judgments of others.
  5. Always be inspired and motivated, but do not compare yourself to others to the point where it negatively impacts your mental health. Comparison is the thief of joy.

Self-care should be a top priority because if you are not taking care of yourself then you will not be able to perform at your full capacity. When you are true to your own individuality and uniqueness, you are able to shine through any obstacles that may come your way.