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Rajesh Vadlapatla

Rajesh Vadlapatla, PhD

MS, University of Toledo
PhD , University of Arkansas


Dr. Rajesh Vadlapatla is the Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ketchum University’s College of Pharmacy. Dr. Vadlapatla's research involves both scholarship of teaching as well as drug delivery of controlled release dosage forms. He has extensive experience in the curriculum development and assessment areas of the pharmacy program. His research interests are in the areas of extended-release drug delivery systems, dosage form formulation and analytical method development. Dr. Vadlapatla has published in peer-reviewed journals in these areas. He was elected as a Secretary of the pharmaceutics section of AACP (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy). He is a reviewer of a number of journals including American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Research, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology, etc.