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Peer Advice: 5 Ways to Prevent Burnout

Group of people standing together and smiling

Hey there, future MBKU SPAS!

We all know that grad school can and will be a wild ride, but with the right resources, you can manage stress and prevent burnout. (Please note: this is slightly tailored for SPAS, BUT anyone can use these resources!)Hey there, future MBKU SPAS! We all know that grad school can and will be a wild ride, but with the right resources, you can manage stress and prevent burnout. (Please note: this is slightly tailored for SPAS, BUT anyone can use these resources!)

Photo of PA students standing in a row with their arms crossed

1. Study Buddies

Find your group! I can’t emphasize this enough, having friends is what makes school so enjoyable. Most of us are Type A personalities, driven and competitive, which is what got us here in the first place. But now it’s time to switch gears and work together. PA school isn’t a competition (we have a pass/fail grading system for a reason). Finding a group you vibe with will make studying feel a lot more enjoyable. Tackling Anki cards and charts solo is overwhelming, but doing it together with the right friends can turn it into a fun and slightly less stressful activity.

2. Module Wrap-Up: Fun with Friends

I am very grateful that our PA program is designed in a way that allows us to have weekends off between modules where having fun and recouping is our main priority. Every Friday after exams, my friends and I pick a place to eat and debrief. On these weekends in particular, we go to art fairs, movies, concerts, and bars. Sometimes we spend a few hours meal prepping together as a way to relax and unwind before our next busy week.

3. Cherish Quality Time with Loved Ones

Don’t underestimate the power of spending time with family and significant others. Whether it’s a cozy movie night, a weekend getaway, or just a simple dinner at home, these moments can recharge your batteries and provide essential emotional support. Surround yourself with those who understand your journey and offer unconditional encouragement. Don’t forget they’re part of your #1 fan club and are rooting for you every step of the way. They help remind you of life outside of textbooks and exams, grounding you and rekindling your motivation.

4. Nature Nurtures: Take Outdoor Escapes

Step outside and soak up some Vitamin D! Whether it’s a walk to the arboretum or having a nice picnic during lunch, connecting with nature can calm your mind and restore your focus. There are lots of parks and hiking trails near campus that you can explore. Take a deep breath of fresh air, listen to the birds chirping, and soak in the sights and sounds of the natural world around you.

P.S. My friends and I host weekly run sessions, so if you ever want to join us please let me know! Just don’t forget your sunscreen!

5. Tech Timeout: Disconnect to Reconnect

In a world buzzing with notifications and constant connectivity, sometimes the best remedy for burnout is a tech timeout. Set boundaries for email and social media to create space for relaxation and personal time. Use this break to read a book, meditate, or grab a few pens and unleash your inner artist. You never know, you might be the next Picasso!

Bonus Tip:

Studying can be overwhelming and you might feel like there’s not enough time in the day to know everything before the exam and that is OKAY. Set boundaries for yourself, it could be every day at 10pm you stop studying and only do what you want to do. Or maybe every Friday nights, you don’t study at all and that’s your time to relax and enjoy. Whatever you decide to do, simply enjoying a moment of peace and quiet might be what you needed all along.

Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for preventing burnout. Feel free to incorporate one or all of these tips into your routine to keep your spirits high and your energy levels topnotch. These next couple of years is going to be intense, so buckle up and get ready to embark on this new adventure!