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Peer Advice: Navigating a Long-Distance Relationship in Graduate School

Photo of student with mountains in the background

First and foremost, congratulations on your acceptance, and welcome to the MBKU family!

PA school is an exciting time where you will build lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories. It sometimes feels like you’re in a bubble, shielded from the outside world when you’re in PA school, but I think it’s essential to take a step back and maintain relationships outside of school, too. I wanted to share a little about my experience in PA school and tips that helped me maintain and strengthen my long-distance relationship with my significant other, so here it goes.

Step 1: Date a doctor. Joking!

Although not ideal, we are busy with our careers, so we have less time to think about how we’re not always together. We acknowledge and respect each other’s time constraints, but we also dedicate time to call once a day or eat dinner over Facetime to talk about how our day went. Another fun way we stay connected is by sending each other meal prep ideas or memes on social media from time to time.

The first few weeks felt the toughest to find time for anything besides studying. I studied for hours on end and had some late nights, but I made sure to call my significant other at least once during the day when I would take a break from schoolwork. As I continued through each module, I adapted to the workload and figured out what study method worked for me, which freed up a little more time for life outside of PA school.

One of the benefits of MBKU’s PA program is that we have occasional free weekends, which allows me to drive up to spend time with my girlfriend or explore SoCal when she can make it down. In addition to visiting each other, we try to coordinate our schedules as much as possible to plan trips or activities during time off, which gives us something to look forward to. Vacations are always much fun! Other times, it’s nice to just be in each other’s presence.

Photo of the beach in Mexico

I think we’re both fortunate that we are honest and communicative with each other but also very flexible and understanding. I believe these qualities are essential when there is so much time and effort that needs to be put into school. Another quality I’ve noticed in my relationship is that we celebrate each other’s achievements, no matter how small, which strengthens our relationship and motivates each other.

You are stepping into the next chapter of your life on your way to your dream career. PA school is an exciting time. The amount of knowledge and skills you will gain in this short amount of time is unbelievable. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, but embrace the journey and trust the process.

Thanks for reading!