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MBKU Community Pledge

Being a part of the MBKU Community means that I must take extraordinary steps to stay well and persistently protect each other. Therefore, I will take responsibility for my own health and help keep the MBKU Community safe by stopping the spread of COVID-19 and remaining up-to-date on the instructions provided by the University.

I pledge to protect myself by

I pledge to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19Monitoring for the symptoms of COVID-19 and report to a medical professional if I experience fever or other suspected related symptoms.

avoid touching my eyes, nose and mouthWashing my hands often with soap and water or using hand sanitizer.


avoid touching my eyes, nose and mouthAvoiding touching my eyes, nose and mouth.

I pledge to protect others by

wear a face maskWearing an appropriate face mask and other protective equipment as directed by the University.

maintain 6 ft. social distanceMaintaining appropriate social distancing.

stay home if you're ill or tested positiveStaying home if I feel ill or after exposure to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19.

being positive and empatheticBeing positive, sensitive and helpful to anyone around who may be troubled or struggling.

I pledge to protect our community by

keeping my belongings and shared spaces cleanKeeping my clothing, belongings, personal spaces and shared common spaces clean.


participating in health screenings protocolsParticipating in screening, testing and contact tracing to preserve the wellness of the community.


observing and following instructionsCarefully observe instructional signs and follow directions.


avoid non-essential and unnecessary travelAvoiding non-essential social contact and unnecessary travel.