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Returning to Campus

Settle In Before Classes Begin

We are excited to welcome our new and returning students back to campus. As a safety measure for the MBKU community, we ask that you do the following before arriving in-person to the Fullerton campus:

Student Guidance


  • Laboratories, skill sessions and Ketchum clinics will occur at normally scheduled times and locations.
  • Each program will determine exam administration and will be communicating with students directly. 
  • The library will remain open.
  • Clinic operations will continue.
  • We know that some students will become ill with the virus. Please reach out to Ketchum Health Family Medicine if you have been exposed or have symptoms. Protocols are in place to report your absence to your program. When you are cleared, your programs will provide flexibility during this time to allow you to persist and continue successfully in your program.


  • College Retreats and/or Student Admissions Events – Please proceed under “COVID” guidelines
  • Mission Trips/Health Fairs – Must be reviewed and approved by Program Director/Dean and President


  • Student lounges for food only
  • No food in lecture halls, labs, conference rooms or study rooms. Beverages will be allowed. 


  • STAY HOME IF YOU ARE UNWELL. DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS. If you are uncertain whether you have been exposed to COVID, get tested to confirm your status. Please contact Ketchum Health Family Medicine at 714.463.7549 for further instructions on whether you are cleared to be on campus.  
  • In compliance with the California Department of Public Health, WE ARE REQUIRING ALL THOSE WHO ARE VACCINATED TO OBTAIN A BOOSTER VACCINATION.  We recognize that if your second vaccination occurred less then 6 months ago you will need to wait to obtain the booster.

We recommend that all students arrive in the Fullerton area several days prior to the start of school and/or orientation for a sufficient time to assure that you are all symptom free. This is your professional responsibility for the protection of your fellow students, staff, faculty and patients.

Although we are not requiring a quarantine period as you prepare to come back to school, we ask that you use good sense about where you are coming from and with whom you have been, regardless of where you live. If you know that you have been exposed at any time, you should seek the counsel of our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Brandon Grove. You can contact Dr. Grove at: 714.463.7549 or

It is imperative that at ANY SIGN of your health and well-being feeling less than normal, you must self-isolate and stay away from school (campus and clinic).

If you are not well or have come in contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, you must report to our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Brandon Grove for a confidential consultation to determine how to best proceed. You can contact Dr. Grove at: 714.463.7549 or

Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (that may occur 2-14 days after exposure) included in the list of concerns include the following:

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Procedures for Arriving to Fullerton Campus

When arriving on the main campus in Fullerton for face-to-face experiences, use the following guidelines for navigating onto campus:

  • Please park in the multilevel parking structure off Associated Road.
  • Secured entry to the parking structure and doors on campus will be accessed with your ID card, which you will get the first few days of school.
  • Maintaining social distance should begin once you leave your car.
  • Before you exit your car, please put your face mask in place.