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Peer Advisor Blog Posts

Peer advising provides non-academic advice and personal student perspectives about life and learning at MBKU in an informal way to all students in the first academic year. Peer advising is the student complement to academic advising provided by faculty advisors and University Student Affairs. New students will gain informed student perspective that is based on their Peer Advisor’s personal experience within their program, along with formal training.

Peer Advisors are students in the second academic year who are committed to academic excellence and student leadership. They show strong commitment to helping new students make the transition from undergraduates to informed, successful professional students who will be responsible for their academic goals and professional growth.

Peer Advice: The Importance of Dismissing Undergraduate Perceptions to Foster Success in Graduate School

Congratulations and welcome to MBKU! Starting graduate school can be scary but making some minor changes to your old study habits can go a long way!

You have left undergraduate school and have finally entered into the final educational stage of your career! However, since you have never been tested on graduate school material before, you have no idea how to study. Should you do everything you used to do or should you change up the way you used to study?

Peer Advice: Study Tips to Help You Succeed in Pharmacy School!

By the time you are reading this blog, school has started and you have just taken your very first exam in graduate school.

You may find yourself asking the following questions: what can I do to get a better grade on my next exam? Or how can I improve my studying style?

Even though we all have different studying and learning styles, there are some tips that will help direct you towards success when you are studying. You can utilize these tips and make it your own style.

Peer Advice: How to Maintain Relationships with Your Loved Ones from a Distance

Whether you’re 1 mile or 5,000 miles from home, being in graduate school is a big commitment that requires way too much time and energy.

You may find that it becomes difficult maintaining relationships and close connections with the people around you who aren’t going through the same thing as you.

I am from Hawaii and being so far from my friends and family back home can get difficult at times. The best way that I’ve found to stay connected to my friends and family back home is by scheduling time to catch up.

Scheduled Fun

Peer Advice: Introversion as a Strength in Optometry School

I remember the first day of Optometry school orientation vividly.

I had moved in from out of state, was an unconventional student with many gap years, and I am naturally an introvert. I sat on the concrete seats outside of the Lecture building, picked apart a boxed breakfast, and watched as my classmates talked and laughed. How were they already in groups? How did they already know each other’s names and stories? This appearance of familiarity among my peers fueled my anxiety and made approaching any of these boisterous groups seem impossible.

Peer Advice: What I Would Tell My First-Year Self

Stepping into this next stage of your life may be one of the most life-changing transitions that you will undergo.

You will continuously grow and change as you work towards becoming a healthcare professional. After reflecting on what helped me get through my first year of optometry school, I wanted to share some advice I would give to my first-year self.

1. Practice effectively.

Peer Advice: Importance of Finding Your Own Study Place

Finding out where you are most productive will help you focus on your studies and maximize your learning.  

Once I started graduate school, I learned that it is extremely important to make the most of your study time. It is difficult to keep up with constant exams and proficiencies, however finding a study space where you feel you are the most productive can help a lot. Here are some places that have worked for myself and my classmates!

Cafes/Coffee Shops