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Faculty Research

Faculty members at MBKU are engaged in research that delivers potential benefits to the health of our patients, to the education and training of our medical professionals, and to the study of vision science globally. This alphabetical list of research faculty provides information about areas of special interest.

Pharmacy Practice

Azita Alipour, PharmD

  • Psychiatric, geriatric & addiction medicine pharmacotherapy, pain management in psychiatric & addiction medicine patients.

Nhu Quyen Dau, PharmD

  • Heart failure and anticoagulation.

Joshua Garcia, PharmD

  • Antimicrobial stewardship, antimicrobial therapy for immunocompromised patients, and pharmacy practice pedagogy.

Herman Johannesmeyer, PharmD

  • Effects of antibiotic timing on clinical outcomes.
  • Implementation methods of preceptor developmental programming.

Puja Patel, PharmD

  • Feasibility of extended dosing intervals of Denosumab and pharmacy school education.

Genene Salman, PharmD

  • Management of hypoglycemia, parenteral nutrition, vasopressin, septic shock, pharmacokinetics.

Javad Tafreshi, PharmD

Inpatient and outpatient cardiovascular pharmacotherapy, scholarship of teaching, and post-graduate education.

Eglis Tellez, PharmD

  • Achieving optimal pharmacotherapy outcomes using pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenomic tools
    Kidney and pancreas transplantation pharmacotherapy .

Monica Trivedi, PharmD

  • Advanced pharmacy practice, community pharmacy services, medication therapy management, immunizations; pharmacy administration, communication, leadership; experiential education; professionalism

Eva Wong, PharmD

  • Pharmacist ambulatory care and chronic disease management.

Joycelyn Yamzon, PharmD

  • Asthma, COPD, medication therapy management, immunizations, as well as pharmacy and interprofessional education.


Pharmaceutical Sciences

Young Cho, PhD

  • In vitro testing of anti-neoplastic cytostatic actions of various natural plant extracts in mammary carcinoma model system, non-genomic actions of natural products, and examination of insulin-mimetic effects of orphan nuclear receptors.

Ajoy Koomer, PhD, EMBA

  • Pharmacy Assessment: Determining criteria for academic and professional success of students through correlation of student performance from multiple appraisal methods with admissions variables; Miscellaneous Interests: Educational aspects of Pharmacogenomic.

Priyank Kumar, PhD

  • To understand the mechanistic pathways involved in the crosstalk between addiction and metabolic disorders.

  • To understand the neuronal pathways involved in the genesis of metabolic disorders.

Charitha Madiraju, PhD

  • Innate immune response pathways, cell survival and cell death mechanisms.

Amir Shirazi, PharmD, PhD

  • Developing Drug Delivery Systems with a focus on cancer. 

Jozef Stec, PhD

  • Discovery and development of anti-infective agents with the emphasis on antibacterials and antiparasitics.

Rajesh Vadlapatla, PhD

  • Advanced drug delivery systems, analytic method development and stability studies, and scholarship of teaching and learning.

Zhijun Wang, PhD

  • Improving cancer chemotherapy by using herbal medicines; pre-clinical and clinical pharmacokinetic studies; sublingual formulation development.


Social and Administrative Sciences

Henry Hua, PhD

  • Pharmacist communications, the psychology of the pharmacist-to-patient relationship and educational outcomes

Elvin A. Hernandez, DrPH

  • Mixed-methods research techniques, outcomes research relative to public health, pharmacoepidemiology, disease outcomes in patients undergoing treatments for various diseases, predicting patient adherence behaviors, and elucidating patient-provider interactions that influence these behaviors