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Strategic Plan

The Marshall B. Ketchum University Strategic Plan represents the goals and objectives developed by the University’s constituents including students, faculty, staff, administrators and Board of Trustees.

The pillars outlined below serve to guide the University with a transformative plan of action in creating a student-centered university, faculty and staff development, fostering university culture, enhancing infrastructure and space utilization, and enhancing patient-centered care.


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Pillar 1: We are a student-centered universityPillar 1

We are a Student-Centered University

  • Ensure a meaningful student orientation that includes engagement and interaction with multiple campus constituents.
  • Create opportunities for student engagement throughout the student life-cycle.
  • Assist students in building social connections.
  • Connect students to MBKU through campus-wide events.
  • Develop effective student mentorship through a robust Faculty Advising Program.
  • Continue and strengthen our Peer Advising Program.
  • Explore creative and flexible options to expand our mental health services and student wellness and self-care initiatives.
  • Provide students assistance to become successful learners.
  • Establish best practices in Enrollment Management to track and evaluate various characteristics of our students within each program to create services and support for identified student groups (e.g., veterans, international students, etc.).
  • Explore accessible technology to support student learning.
  • Create a resource and support “Center” with dedicated staff to provide best practices in teaching (e.g., instructional design, High Impact Practices [HIP] and innovative pedagogy).
  • Expand philanthropic and extramural funding to support scholarships and educational, clinical and research opportunities.
  • Provide intra and interprofessional co-curricular learning through assessment and portfolio development on a variety of skills.
  • Offer intra and interprofessional student development certificate programs and micro-credentials (e.g., digital badges) in various cluster topics.
  • Provide career and professional development services including leadership and advocacy.
  • Support students to develop leaders in the field of interprofessional collaborative practice.

Marshall B. Ketchum University is guided by the values of:

  • Accountability
    • We are committed to honesty, fairness and responsibility for our words and actions.
  • Caring
    • We strive to address the needs of our university community and others by nurturing a spirit of compassion.
  • Excellence
    • Consistent with our legacy, we are committed to achieving outcomes of the highest quality.
  • Innovation
    • We have the courage to dream and experiment with creative and unique ideas.
  • Respect
    • We value the unique talents and diversity of people, strive to work collaboratively, and honor the open exchange of ideas.
  • Develop wellness programs at all MBKU locations.
  • Develop fitness programs in collaboration with external partners that allows opportunities for after-hour activities.

Pillar 2: We are an engaged and inclusive universityPillar 2

We are an Engaged and Inclusive University

  • Create a robust orientation program for all new employees.
  • Start with “why”. Inspire all employees with a common concept about the University’s “why”.
  • Develop a University-wide training program that all employees participate in so there is a common framework of understanding.
  • Provide opportunities for more collaboration between departments and programs.

The development of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is part of the strategy to create a sustainable strategic plan for our university community tasked with reimagining what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean at MBKU. Learn more about the DEI Goals.

  • Faculty and staff strive to serve as role models by demonstrating leadership skills.
  • Create and implement faculty and staff mentorship programs.
  • Develop intentional career ladders at MBKU for staff.
  • Support and commit to research and scholarly activity contributing to the body of knowledge of the respective professions.
  • Expand MBKU recognition programs for all University employees.
  • Become an employer of choice in Orange County.
  • Develop ways employees can deliver feedback and give input for continuous improvement.
  • Implement more personal and consistent ways to deliver “top-down” information.
  • Create, implement and update University-wide policies and procedures and ethical codes of conduct.
  • Develop and share documentation about the roles and responsibilities of all employees to improve communication and work flow.
  • Share ideas and successes across programs and departments.
  • Institute quarterly all-employee development days.
  • Increase volunteerism opportunities for both internal and external events among employees.
  • Create more opportunities for employees to interact with students and participate in existing “spirit” activities with students.
  • Interconnect through shared interests (e.g., hiking, dancing, skiing, animals, etc.) to encourage personal interactions between employees.
  • Expand linkages with alumni to strengthen alumni advocacy, commitment and contributions.
  • Provide preeminent continuing education opportunities as a lifelong learning partner for faculty, staff and alumni.

Learn more about our resources for International Students, opportunities for preceptors and volunteers in the PA Studies program or experiential education with the College of Pharmacy.

Community health care extends far beyond the Ketchum Health facilities, through partnerships with the Special Olympics, Boys and Girls Club, Lions Club and more. We strive to promote health and well-being for our patients and offer faculty and student outreach opportunities to help communities here and abroad.

  • Deliver high quality and thorough patient-centered care (e.g., attentive, caring, thorough exam, clear patient education, patient involved in decision making, etc.).
  • Develop customer service standards and expectations for Ketchum Health.
  • Create metrics to assess patient’s experiences and to aid in quality improvement (e.g., patient satisfaction surveys, patient outcomes, employee feedback, etc.).

Pillar 3: We are Interprofessional in Culture and Approach to Healthcare and Teaching

Pillar 3

We are Interprofessional in Culture and Approach to Healthcare and Teaching

  • Identify and expand existing communication channels between students, faculty and staff.
  • Promote faculty, staff and student diversity and awareness of inclusion throughout the University.
  • Create University-wide faculty and staff development committees.
  • Provide pathways to utilize the clinical and professional experts and resources throughout the University.

Learn more about our clinical teaching facilities at Ketchum Health.

  • Create metrics to evaluate efficiency and outcomes of interdisciplinary patient care.
  • Secure outside funding to expand patient care services (e.g., UECLA Family medicine, pop-up clinics, etc.).
  • Focus on staff development to support the patient-centered care model.
  • Improve efficiencies of patient care through the integration of technological solutions (e.g., patient flow and iPad check-in, loop video about services, patient testimonial videos, etc.).

Learn more about MBKU's interprofessional teaching approach that emphasizes communication, safety and quality of care.

Learn more about the ways MBKU provides student development resources.

Learn more about MBKU's professional development resources.

Pillar 4: We are an Innovative and Contemporary UniversityPillar 4

We are an Innovative and Contemporary University

  • Ensure the continuity of innovation by adopting replacement cycle processes that forecast needs and funding across University functions.
  • Implement ongoing educational programming to maximize usage of our hardware and software/infrastructure.
  • Conduct group meetings across the University to gather feedback and collaborate on forward-thinking strategies for infrastructure and facilities.
  • Adopt distance learning/remote meeting technologies such as video conferencing along with digital whiteboards and virtual/augmented reality.
  • Adopt software tools to leverage the powerful data collected from all University systems in combination with utilizing performance metrics.
  • Research and develop mobile applications for tablets/smartphones to enhance the learning experience in/out of classrooms and the clinics.
  • Implement a talent/enrollment management platform that can attract and retain students and employees.
  • Adopt a digital document repository for ease of access and reduction of paper waste.
  • Conduct a comprehensive space utilization study to assess how to maximize usage with our existing space.
  • Perform an independent facilities condition assessment.
  • Develop a lifecycle for all physical assets with proper disposal at the end of the lifecycle.
  • Perform a comprehensive study of all external clinics to determine ROI, educational benefit, contribution to the community, etc.
  • Expand and strengthen the University’s financial foundation to support infrastructure enhancements.
  • Develop a parking and transportation plan to improve parking space availability and improve accessibility, safety for employees and students.
  • Provide more common amenities such as food, package delivery and their personal needs while on campuses.
  • Improve the look and feel of the Fullerton campus to be more accessible, contemporary, functional and warm/welcoming.