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Peer Advisor Blog Posts

Peer advising provides non-academic advice and personal student perspectives about life and learning at MBKU in an informal way to all students in the first academic year. Peer advising is the student complement to academic advising provided by faculty advisors and University Student Affairs. New students will gain informed student perspective that is based on their Peer Advisor’s personal experience within their program, along with formal training.

Peer Advisors are students in the second academic year who are committed to academic excellence and student leadership. They show strong commitment to helping new students make the transition from undergraduates to informed, successful professional students who will be responsible for their academic goals and professional growth.

Peer Advice: What to Expect From First Quarter in Optometry School

I remember going into optometry school knowing this was going to be one of the toughest educational experiences of my life. Why did I think that? Because that’s what I had been told. So, starting my first quarter, I just knew this would be hard. I had absolutely no idea what type of curriculum I was getting myself into. With this in mind, I have created a guide to your first quarter classes.

Peer Advice: The Transition Directly from Undergrad to Grad School

Welcome to MBKU! We are so excited to get to know you!

Like plenty of optometry students, I chose to go directly to grad school after undergrad and this transition was interesting due to various causes. In my experience, I did face some struggles in my transition from my undergraduate education directly into optometry school, however I believe this was the right choice for me.

Summer Between Undergrad and Grad

Peer Advice: Nature is Calling

Get outside!

There is something special about getting outside early on a Saturday morning. It’s the different smells that do it for me. I love the cool, salty air by the beach; the dewy, freshness of a park; and the leafy, woody smell of hiking trails. If you aren’t from SoCal then please allow me to show you a few of my favorite places not too far from the MBKU campus that could fill a weekend morning.

Outside where?