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Peer Advisor Blog Posts

Peer advising provides non-academic advice and personal student perspectives about life and learning at MBKU in an informal way to all students in the first academic year. Peer advising is the student complement to academic advising provided by faculty advisors and University Student Affairs. New students will gain informed student perspective that is based on their Peer Advisor’s personal experience within their program, along with formal training.

Peer Advisors are students in the second academic year who are committed to academic excellence and student leadership. They show strong commitment to helping new students make the transition from undergraduates to informed, successful professional students who will be responsible for their academic goals and professional growth.

Peer Advice: A Deep Dive into Preparing for Proficiencies

You’re just starting graduate school – congratulations! You’re going to do great!

The first few weeks of the quarter will fly by and you’ll soon be in the full swing of midterms and proficiencies. If you haven’t heard of proficiencies yet, they are an opportunity to show off mastery of clinical skills that you’ve been learning in your clinical classes.

Peer Advice: Finding Balance (My Favorite Study Break Spots)

One of the main pieces of advice that you’ll probably hear throughout your time in grad school is to maintain a healthy balance and to take time for yourself.

I agree with this and try to follow this advice myself, so I’ve collected a list below of some of my favorite places to grab a quick cup of coffee or unwind after or between exams.

Favorite coffee break near campus:

Peer Advice: Summer Before

One of the most important summers is happening right now -- the one before starting your PA program at MBKU!

It’s your last opportunity to spend a few months however you want, because once school starts, it’s school until you graduate in 27 months! Sure, you’ll get a 1 week or 2 week break here and there, but this last summer is the time to set yourself up for success. What does that look like?

Peer Advice: Keeping Track of What’s Important to You

When starting something new, especially something as big as grad school, it can be pretty easy to make it your main priority.

You are learning a huge amount of material that you will be tested on, but since you’ve never taken a test at MBKU before, how can you know how difficult it will be? How can you judge when you’ve studied enough to be adequately prepared?